Portable Defibrillator Description

The Portable defibrillator is usually composed of the following:
carrying case;

a pair of scissors to cut clothing that might interfere with the installation of electrodes;
a disposable razor to remove hair from people with high hair and get a better contact and better adhesion between skin and electrode;

Portable defibrillator disposable towels to remove hair shaved or wipe the victim in the case of a drowning example;
one or more patches adults and children. These self-adhesive electrodes are placed on the chest of the victim and used to analyze the heart rhythm and, if necessary to get a shock;
one or more batteries. The defibrillator ready contains a battery already in place, but the emergency services have in store for if they should link together multiple interventions;
the housing receiving the defibrillator batteries. On him that connects the electrodes. It is equipped with a loudspeaker to guide the user through voice instructions.

The camera settings are locked, the only possible actions are turn on and off, and deliver shock if the device requests (in the case of a semi-automatic defibrillator).

The device has a memory card type flash memory recording the operating parameters: electrocardiogram (analysis of heart rate), the sequences of defibrillation (the number of shocks), and for some models with ambient sounds the voice of the rescuers. The recorded data will conduct a retrospective analysis of the situation, providing both information from the medical service on the therapeutic process to be undertaken and the monitoring of equipment monitoring and forensic provisions.

There are two types of devices:
Semi-automatic defibrillator (DSA): the rescuer must press a button and the device delivers the shock and can therefore ensure that nobody touches the victim before allowing the device to deliver the shock. The risk of injury to the rescuer is negligible, but the victim does not benefit from the shock.

Fully automatic defibrillator (AED, not to be confused with DAE: automated external defibrillator): the camera decides to deliver the shock after, only for security, voice-prompted asking not to touch the victim prior to the issuance of the shock. The procedure is simplified, so defibrillators available to the general public are generally of AEDs.

Whatever the type of aircraft, the analysis of heart rate and diagnosis are automatic versus manual defibrillators used by doctors. The machine does to shock if the heart activity of the victim is justified, because it must stop cardio-pulmonary resuscitation for shock. If the heart of the victim does not have a shockable rhythm, the Portable defibrillator indicates that no shock is indicated and thus continues the rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which gives better chances of survival for the victim.

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